RSI Connectors
RSI Connectors 讓您透過智能文件處理系統(多功能打印機),一鍵將實體文件無縫轉換成可編輯的電⼦檔案,例如:Excel、Word、可搜尋的PDF檔案。
當您選擇並啟用智能融合平台內的RSI Connectors後,智能文件處理系統即可進行文字辨識,不再需要額外購買昂貴的個人版文字辨識軟件。
從事務機掃描後的文件,透過雲端OCR元件轉換成電子檔案後,可傳送到可串接的雲端儲存空間,如:Google Drive, Dropbox, SharePoint, One Drive 等。
Easily create usable, editable files
RSI Connectors increases your productivity and efficiency by eliminating slow, manual editing of documents.
You are able to easily convert paper documents into editable electronic formats at the touch of a button. The time saved improves your workflow, and allow your employees to concentrate on more productive tasks.
- Increase productivity
Improve your workflow by eliminating slow, manual re-typing of documents - Reduce costs
Subscription model eliminates the need for high upfront costs that typical desktop OCR packages incur - Save time
Significantly reduce time taken to edit paper documents - Simple integration
Authenticate and sign-in directly on your Ricoh MFP to scan and route documents in one easy step from the MFP’s panel